A: Over 40,000 inspection reports and related documentation are full-text searchable. Not every inspectional document is suitable for creating a record which can be read by the computer – the record may be handwritten (e.g., some 483s), heavily redacted, or otherwise illegible for the OCR conversion.
A: Use the searching skills you already have!
A: Each record at FOI Services is indexed to create a short indexing description; when you use the main search box you search the document description only. When you use the full-text search box, you will be searching the words used in the document itself, and will cover only those records related to FDA inspections.
A: Put the document in your cart and follow the on-screen directions. You can use one cart to order documents found in the main search box and documents located in full-text searching.
A: No, full-text searching is intended as an aid to help you find appropriate documents. The document you download will be an image PDF, just as if it had been identified in the main search box. Why? We promise that the document you download is a faithful reproduction of the information provided by the government, and our records have been admitted into courts in the US and overseas. The OCR conversion process may strip out formatting, introduce small errors (e.g., from an illegible phrase), and does not include information such as charts, drawings, handwritten records and other non-machine readable material. Curious? Here's a sample.